Confidence in confidence alone?

Hannah’s mom: You need to be confident.
Hannah’s voice teacher: You need to be confident.
Hannah’s driver’s ed teacher: You need to be confident.
Hannah’s mom: You need to be confident enough in yourself that you aren’t dependent on what other people think of you.
Hannah: No comment.
Hannah’s voice teacher: You have a nice voice when you sing just normally, but when you open your mouth and let the sound resonate, it’s outstanding.
Hannah’s voice teacher: You need to open your mouth.
Hannah: I’ll look weird if I open my mouth really wide.
Hannah’s driver’s ed teacher: I can see you’re not confident. You need to be self-assured. You can do this, right?
Hannah: Yes.
But: I probably only said yes because that’s what I knew he wanted to hear.
I don’t have confidence in me. I have confidence in sunshine, in rain, and that spring will come again, because I know that’s the way of God’s creation. There will be sunny days, rainy days, and spring will always come again. 
But what if people think ill of me?
What if when I sing I sound awful?
What if I do horrible on my drive?
I know I should not exactly have confidence in me, but confidence in God. And confidence in God is defined as trust. Trust has always been a roadblock for me as a Christian. Do I trust a chair to hold me when I sit in it? Yeah. Do I trust the low gear of a car to keep me from careening down a hill and through a curve? No. Why not? Because I’ve never used it before.
When you face your lack of confidence or your over-confidence, what do you do?

2 thoughts on “Confidence in confidence alone?

  1. Oh my, what a great reminder! I often lack confidence. But like you talked about, we should have confidence in Christ. I often try to tell myself that “God gave you the ability to do this or that thing. Do it for Him!” Have confidence in Him and that He gave the ability. Have confidence that He will give you the strength and wisdom you need to get it done. Great post! I think I needed this today. And, the song is a nice touch. I love that one.

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